Tuesday, May 10, 2022

SCOTUS is Poised to Overturn Roe v. Wade

It has been a few years since I last updated this blog. I've decided to put full-time pro-life work on hold because to be frank, it just doesn't pay the bills. I was trying to go the pro-life missionary route and raise my own salary, but I have extreme social anxiety which makes asking people for money, however worthy the cause, that much more difficult. So now I'm concentrating on what I do best: playing music. So I've joined two bands, a hard rock band playing original songs and an 80s cover band, as well as doing other work to supplement the income.

But I want to continue contributing to this blog. As you are likely aware, on Tuesday Politico reported a leak that the Supreme Court justices are planning to vote five to four to overturn the landmark cases Roe v. Wade and Planned Parenthood v. Casey, effectively returning the decision of whether to legalize abortion to the prerogative of the states (Justices Alito, Thomas, Gorsuch, Barrett, and Kavanaugh will vote for overturning, and Justices Roberts, Sotomayor, Kagan, and Breyer will vote against overturning). Chief Justice Roberts confirmed the draft is accurate but added it does not represent a decision by the court or the final position of any member of the court, as justices may end up changing their minds. This final decision is slated to happen in June. However, just today we discovered Washington Post obtained another leak that affirmed the five justices are standing firm on their position to overturn Roe and Casey. Chief Justice Roberts is launching an investigation into who leaked this information. There are some who believe it was leaked by a leftist source to attempt to pressure the conservative justices into changing their vote. Others believe it was leaked by a conservative source in case any justice changing his mind might seem politically motivated. In light of this new leak coming to light, the former seems more likely. But only time will tell, if they ever discover who it was at all.

The bombshell news that the Supreme Court is going to overturn the Roe v. Wade decision has led to the predictable frothing at the mouth of leftists, especially on social media. People have been fantasizing about murdering the conservative justices before this happens, leading the Supreme Court to erect fences around the building and beef up security. Unfortunately the conservative justices have also been doxed, leading to people discovering and posting the private addresses of these justices. And now people are protesting at the justices' homes in violation of federal law, not that any legal action will be brought against these protestors. Jen Psaki, the current White House press secretary, refused to condemn the doxing of the justices or the illegal protesting at these Justices' homes. It's also been rumored that Justice Alito and his family have been moved to an "undisclosed location" for their own safety. Leftists on Twitter have even been falsely accusing the conservative justices of lying under oath during their confirmation hearings (they didn't) and are calling for their impeachment. You'd think after two failed impeachment attempts against President Trump, the left would be more careful about calling for impeachment of conservatives.

As Timcast reports, the unreasonableness doesn't stop there. Elizabeth Warren and others have been calling for an "expansion" of the Supreme Court (to pack the Supreme Court with leftist activist judges who will always give the left what they want). Eric Swalwell claims this will lead to striking down interracial marriage (it won't). The Republican party is the party of Lincoln and slavery abolition. The Democrat party is the party of Jim Crow and the KKK. The idea that Republican Supreme Court judges, especially when a black conservative is on the court, want to enact racist policies is absurd. President Joe Biden has even said this will lead to segregating gay children in classrooms. (Again, it won't.) This is just the tip of the iceberg from what I've seen but this extreme fear mongering, even from our president and members of Congress, is deeply concerning.

This leak has even infected public life. I had a gig on Friday night with my band and one of the girls in attendance yelled at our singer to talk about women's rights from the stage. Thankfully our singer didn't take the bait because when we do music, we want to escape politics for a little while and enjoy music together as human beings. Even New York Times, which incidentally had "fetus" as their Wordle word for yesterday, dropped the word "fetus" from their list and changed the word of the day because they want to escape from the news with their game. Women on TikTok are lamenting overturning Roe will spell the end of "hookup culture" (as if conservatives are going to devastated by that news). Meanwhile conservatives are happy to see leftists are finally learning how human reproduction works.

I intend to read the decision in full. Guaranteed, 99% of the people complaining on social media have not actually done that. I know they haven't because I've engaged many of them in conversation and have read tweets and status messages from others and they're always clueless. They fail to understand and interact with the legal and philosophical arguments made in the decision, instead resorting to the same tired arguments and ridiculous comparisons they've always been making. I got so fed up with it that I decided to revive this blog so I could display many of these bad arguments and show why these diatribes are just nonsensical.

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